Hey, here's a thought. This is with regards to the
post below.
If my life is worth $823,500 or something like that, in what currency would that be?
I'm just wondering. So if you convert it to Bruneian Dollars, the value itself would be lower right? 'Cause of the differences in standard of living...
Yeah yeah, I think I've gone off on a tangent over there. But still wondering about the currency thing...

They made him play this game where they played some sound clips of animals mating, and he had to guess what animal it was. It was hilarious. During the second clip, he really couldn't tell what animal it was(I couldn't either, it sounded really weird). He had this perplexed/disgusted/scared look on his face. It really did sound scary!!! Like an animal being skinned alive, haha. Anyway, he was like, "I don't like this game anymore!" Hahahaha. Oh how I love you Justin. *mwaaahhhh*
Ooh SexyBack is on.
~You see these shackles baby I'm your slave~ I'll let you whip me if I misbehave~
I am jobless.
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