Hello, Almost A Month Later
Hey hey~ I know I know, it's been a while since I've last blogged. I don't think anyone's even reading this anymore. Oh well.
I'm at ICTC now, supposed to be finishing up my English assignment, which entails coming up with a vocabulary list of at least 140 words. You know, if I wasn't so good in English, it would probably be a cinch... but as it is.... I got 63 words down, 77 more to go.
It is now REVISION WEEK!!!! Have I revised? Yeah... sort of. I did read, but I don't think the info actually stuck in my head. Hm. Whatever, I work better under pressure anyway. I think.
I got one of my essays back, and I was shocked to find that I only got 6/10 on it. Worse, there was a note written at the end saying, "Did you really write this essay?"
Did I write the essay???? DID I WRITE THE FUCKING ESSAY??? I stayed up till 2 for that, woman!!!! Check the references lahhhh that's what they're for, for goodness' sake!!!!!!
I can't help it if my vocabulary was too advanced dammit. Now I know not to use words such as, rampant, discrepancies, infallible, etc. in my essay papers. Because, God forbid, I use university level words in UBD!!!!!

Will you marry me???
I swear, I can go into orgasmic bliss just looking at his face.
Okay okay, too graphic but seriously this guy has the most beautiful face, the deepest voice, nicest bod... Anyway, Rin, if you're reading, please face, watch 'My Girl' to understand what I mean. Oh and any other Korean series that you recommend??? I'm running out of things to watch.
Okay, I better work on my assignment now. It's due today. Heheh. Yeah, what else is new? Over and out!!
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