
Cloverfield! I like and I hate!
Oh gawd, what can I say about this movie???????
The brainchild of J.J. Abrams, the acclaimed creator of Lost and Alias.
Naturally, wonderful graphics, considering it's all shot like it's on video cam and thingamajig.
Very very dizzying. I was laughing at the three guys sitting at the front row in front of us. They were like clutching their heads in agony. So funny.
Why I like Cloverfield:
- Very suspenseful, it literally had me squealing and sitting at the edge of my seat
- Great cinematics. The monster scaarrryyyyyyyyy.
- A bit of funny parts. Hud (the guy holding the camera for 98% of the movie. 98% pasal at the end he mati. Chewed up and spit out by the monster. He died, but the camera survived. Go figure.) provided most of the comedy.
- I love J.J. Abrams okkkk. I've always loved Lost, and I did like Alias (even though I stopped watching it after a while)
Why I absolutely hate Cloverfield:
- So very the cliffhanger.
- I pening.
- Again with the cliffhanger, in my opinion the worst flaw of the movie. Ok, so you're trying to make it realistic as in we're watching a video recording right? But still... I STILL DO NOT EFFING KNOW WHAT THE TERM "CLOVERFIELD" MEANS! Also, I don't know whether they managed to kill the monster or not. We do not know where it came from. We don't even know WHAT it is. Monster? Alien? Government experiment? WE DON'T KNOW AND WE NEVER WILL! Unless got Cloverfield 2: The other video. LOL.
- Characters are kind of...
- A bit unrealistic in some parts. Beth, a character who only appears at the beginning and the end of the movie, somehow survives being stabbed clean through with a metal pole and also a helicopter crash and still manages to run fast. I dunno. Adrenaline? But she was bleeding steadily for an hour or so.
- A bit cornayyyyyy. The love story part. Seriously. It's not believable. Maybe character build-up was the problem. I just don't believe it. A rational person would've already escaped. I don't believe that he loves her enough to go through all the shit that he went through.
Okay I know I've got more comments than these but I am tireddddddddd. Over and out.
xoxo bella
ps: Much love to Ryan for treating movie tickets! Stop arguing with me about Cloverfield. We must agree to disagree.
EDIT:: (26/1/2008) apparently there was something after the credits rolled and also some weird thing at the end of the movie when there was the old footage of Rob and Beth on the ferris wheel. The thing at the end of the credits was apparently a garbled whisper which, when played in reverse, was someone saying "It's still alive..."
.... Right. Because everyone WOULD come prepared with a tape recorder to a movie. Right.
Sigh. Anyway aforementioned whisper here. (can't seem to post the player so I'll just post the link)
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