blah blah blah

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Crap On Everything

Hello. I am currently suffering from angst. Because I am bored. And when I'm bored, I tend to think too much. And I have come to the conclusion: The world is going to the shitter.

The damn war is not going to end. Children in Africa are still going to starve. More species of animals are going to be extinct by the end of this decade. Polar bears are gonna eat each other till there's none of them left because they have no food since humans have gone overboard with the fishing. And basically crimes will be committed because people just seem to get more twisted each year.

So there it is. The world is going to the shitter. And there's nothing we can do about it because we are all helpless and too weak to change.

No one can really make a difference in the world. How can one make changes that affect millions? If we come up with some way to feed the hungry, like giant strawberries and cabbages or something, someone out there will of course make it impossible for the hungry to afford the damn thing in the first place? Because if they could afford technology like that, they wouldn't be hungry now, would they?

Money is such a big factor in this world. If you don't have money, you're basically doomed. You'll be drowning in debt, starving, homeless, and running away from loan sharks who are coming to cut off a limb (if they haven't already)

Whoever said "Money Doesn't Bring Happiness" must've been rich.

And whoever believes in soulmates is naive. Because then some ppl won't die lonely and miserable.

Why do criminals commit crime? Who do rapists rape? Why do terrorists.... bomb? Why is it that you want to make a point by beheading innocent people? Why are children being preyed upon? Why are old ladies getting burgled? Why do family members argue and kill each other?


Because the world is going to the shitter.

So to that, crap on everything, I say.

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