Tagged By Sheena
Each player of this game starts out by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog!
Goddamn the italics won't turn off.
Anyway, six weird things about me.
- I'm half-convinced I have some kind of psychic power. Sometimes I get moments where I feel an unexplained feeling of dread, then later that day something crappy will happen and I would just wish that I'd stayed at home. Also, I get many moments of deja vu where I know that I've went through that same moment in a dream that I had before. Oh, also my sister Vicki and I are psychic to each other where we'll suddenly start singing the same songs at the same time, or one will suddenly voice out what the other was thinking. =)
- I get very bad mood swings. I guess this doesn't exactly qualify as weird, but I find my mood swings extreme sometimes. I can be flying high and all hyper in the morning, but later in the afternoon I can be depressed as hell. My moods are also easily affected by different things, like songs, movies , whatever. Sad songs can literally make me blink back tears, for no reason other than the fact that it's sad. I'm very emotional lar.
- My extreme love for eggs have gained me some weird looks. I don't know why, but they say it's 'cause eggs are a weird food to love. I don't know why I love eggs. Maybe it's the fluffy texture, the taste... AAH I LOVE EGGS!! My family finds it funny, because sometimes I'd order fried kueyteow or something, and when my order arrives, my face will fall in disappointment. My mum will be like, "Why? Wrong order?", and my reply will be, "No... Correct... but the eggs so little..."
- I'm very very very very paranoid. If I ever do something I'm not supposed to do(which isn't that often ha!!), I'll find myself stressing over the fact that I'll get caught and obsessing over every single detail, like what will I do if I get caught, how my explanation will be, and steps taken to make sure I wouldn't get caught. Also, I'd get these bursts of paranoia when I'm doing normal stuff, like walking. I'd be walking somewhere and I'd catch a glimpse of the drain and suddenly imagine myself catapulting into it and landing on my face, which always makes me flinch. Thus, I'd give the drain a wide berth, and watch my steps carefully.
- I hate public toilets. If I need to pee, I'd rather wait till I get to a familiar toilet or a really nice fancy CLEAN one. But sometimes I just can't wait, and I'm forced to use them. In these cases, I usually prefer one of those squatting toilets and wash my hands for like a minute after using them. Like in Misato or Coffeezone, I'd use the toilet, wash my hands, go outside, and wash them again in the sink outside. Ryan apparently does the same thing. I'm not the only weird one, yay!
- Sometimes I like to be alone. Although my ultimate fear is that I'd end up alone, I find that I always isolate myself. Like reading alone in my room. And I like to watch movies or shows alone, I can't stand all the talking, I have to concentrate. I don't really know if this qualifies as weird, but I really have trouble thinking of anything else. I'm pretty sure there's more than six, but can't really think of anymore right now.
Ok people that's all. Very very sleepy and tired now. Woke up at 9am although I slept around past 3am. XD
I have that IICT assignment to do and the Microeconomics test to study for, but I'm too sleepy. I have to sleep. I'm probably gonna wake up later anyway. W will definitely wake me up. =D
P.S: Whoops almost forgot. I don't really know who to tag, so I tag Zuk, Alicia, Rachel and Vis. Wonder whether anyone will actually do it. Hee.
Labels: Blog-o-graphy
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