Yay!!! English is DONE. BL is DONE (more or less, I'm hoping that I won't be the one who'll be presenting =). What else is there to be done before starting exam revision??
- Spanish
- A maybe BL presentation
- FIS Group Report (3000 - 4000 words)
That's all!! YAY!
I have other things on my mind still but I feel less overwhelmed. I think I'm just bored. Everyone's like napping right now and I'm so damned bored.
I'm worrying too much....
I'm sorry, I thought I would have something interesting to blog about which, apparently I don't. ARGH I am booooreeedddddd!!!
I feel like just going out alone and driving around.....
I wonder where's everyone now.
I'm up in Bandar right now because there's this carnival thing tomorrow and the padang in Bandar, the one across HSBC? Actually I'm not actually sure if I'm going or not. But what else do I have planned anyway eh?
I can't seem to lose weight... Damn it's difficult. I'm trying the whole five meals throughout the whole day... Um, not so successful since my sleeping pattern's irregular so my breakfast is like lunch. And somehow my stomach is always grumbling.
Well at least I have not gained any weight?
Ok Alyaa just MSNed me to say the exam timetable is in her blog. It's only for her timetable though so if you take a language you gotta check for yourself.
OHHHH I just read in Alyaa's blog that it's Kalai's birthday today.
I hate blogger sometimes. It's so messed up.
Labels: C'est La Vie, Festives/Celebrations, I Am Random
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