blah blah blah

Friday, August 31, 2007

Saya Kena Tagged

Wooo, I haven't been online for a while, I just noticed I was tagged by Alyaa. =)

1. Tell us your name:

Annabella, but most people call me Bella. I do get Bell, La, Anna, Na. But I'll always introduce myself as Bella. =)

2. Three things about yourself:
moody, lazy, tend to make lame jokes most of the time(I know it's lame, but I cannot stop myself!!)

3. What’s in your playlist:
Now listening to: Colbie Caillat - The Little Things, Colbie Caillat - Bubbly, Aly & AJ - Potential Breakup, Paramore - Misery Business, Fall Out Boy - The Take Over, The Break's Over

4. Your favourite music:
I love fast upbeat music, rock, pop, r'n'b.

5. Favourite guilty pleasure:
Shopping. Pigging out. Sigh.

6. Favourite food:
Eggs! or Sushi!

7. Define love:
Hmm.... It's not really easy to define eh?

8. Define sex:
Sex is sex. Is it weird that I don't know how to define this? Get a bio textbook!! Wiki it! Don't ask me!

9. Any celebrity crushes?:
I love Jake Gyllenhaal. Yummayyyy

10. The last person you hugged:
.... Wow. I totally can't remember.

11. The last person you talked to:

12. The last time you cried:
I've been crying a lot past few days. Haha, not so much my emo-ness but my eyes kept watering for some strange reason.

13. The last time you had sex:
HAHAHA such an inappropriate question.

14. The last time you made out:

15. The last person you dated:

16. The last time you went out:
Just now to get dinner

17. What’s on your mind now?:
things that shouldn't be on my mind, and therefore I am disturbed.

18. What’s bothering you?:
Why does he affect me so easily? Also... when is my allowance coming out?? I hate being broke!

19. This year’s resolutions:
something bout meeting new people, making new friends, going out more, working hard for uni. it's not exactly going well but I have met so many new people this year, and I am happy about that. Also, I'm trying harder this semester.

20. Your MSN nick:
-bella- [may lag a bit. ok maybe a lot]

21. What’s your MSN nick about?:
it's my name! also that last bit is warning people bout my laggy connection

22. The people you miss the most:
my old friends... and I hate to admit it, I miss him too.

23. Current mood:
tired and brooding

24. What are you thinking?:
I'm thinking what is wrong with me?

25. Best childhood memory:
I think it would be the fun us sisters used to have. Ah to be young again.

26. 3 of your biggest fears:
failure, ending up alone, pain

28. 3 of the things you hate:
my moodiness, waiting, inconsiderate people

29. Do you blog?:

30. Tag 5 people:
I tag everyone on my blogroll. I bet you not one would do this. HAHAHAHAHHA

Buenas noches mi queridas! Te amo~ I don't know if that's right, but whatev!!

ps: Mi nombre en espanol es Selena! =)



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