blah blah blah

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Heya guys! I am finally home after being up in Bandar for weeks (exaggerrating). Drove home and almost got killed on the way (maniac driver weaving in and out of the lane at what I can only presume to be the speed of sound). Also, I am guessing that Wednesday is catch-them-speeding-bastards-day cause I almost got caught in a speed trap AGAIN (last Wednesday also).

Moral of the story: Watch out for suspicious lump hiding behind camera Don't speed.

Hey speaking of which, do you think one of their own ever got caught speeding? Probably not eh? They probably warn them over the walkie talkie or something.

"Speed trap at so-and-so, hypocrite coppers slow down"


Anyway I am STUFFED! Dinner was a magnificently fattening but delicious affair. Plus my sister brought back Bakerlyn donuts. Rawr! I got out of dish duty because I helped prepare dinner. And when they protested, I threatened, "YOU WANNA SMELL MY GARLICKY FINGERS!?" I really hate that garlic stink sticks to your fingers till the next day. I suspect it's why my mum gets me to chop them up every year -__-"

Leading up to the point of the post...


Hope this year will be lucky and prosperous one. Prosperity burger! bwahahahha

xoxo bella

ps: lamiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii



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