Hot Hot Hot
Why is it getting so hot these daysssssssssssssssssssssss???
I feel the humidity even at night! ><
Yesterday was my dad's birthday. Happy Birthday Daddy! lol. He's 61 btw, although he certainly doesn't look it. We went out for dinner and went to JP after that to just check out what's over there. Anyway I'm too lazy to talk much so here's some pictures. :)

Walking through JP really makes me feel nostalgic. I wish they had maintained the park. I remember having so much fun there! Made my childhood a lot more fun. sighhhh. It was especially sad seeing most of my favourite rides gone and empty. :(
My sisters and I were talking about it and they were like saying, "So sayang they don't maintain the rides, makes people takut to go." And I was so blur and said, "Why takut?" because in my opinion I was like yeah sure it ain't as pretty as it once looked but it's basically the same.
G: *looking at me incredulously* Hellooo? You wanna go on the rollercoaster that has been poorly maintained?? like "So fun! Wheeeee- AARGHHHHH!!!!!" when something comes loose or something
HAHAHAHHAHA that made me laugh so hard. And we were saying that "Pusing Lagi" wouldn't be called that anymore, it would be "Pusing Sekali, Terplanting Kesana" HAHAHAHHAHA I am giggling so hard as I type this, oh mann so funny. HAHAHAH
Ok - other pics on fb. If it'll allow me to upload. My sister kept getting "Upload Failed" the other day.
xoxo bella
Labels: C'est La Vie, Festives/Celebrations
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