blah blah blah

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I actually had something to blog about but the page took so long to load that I forgot...


I was talking to this guy I work with (who is also from uni) and we both realised that exams are almost a month away...... that revelation caused a whole series of "omg" (from both of us), me clutching my head in horror, him staring at the ceiling while his mouth moved wordlessly (trying to figure out if he had enough time to make deadlines and study).

ahhhhh panic!! I really want to get good grades!!!!!!!!!! :( Please give me the willpower and discipline to do so during the next month. Amen. :D

I'm still finding it surreal that it's already mid-October and approaching the end of the year.. Three semesters away from graduation!


And then work??


And then and then.... Other crap!!


Ok I think I am taking a hiatus in a little over a week. I think I should take a full-on internet hiatus (MSN + Facebook), being an FB addict, I think it would be much better. I would be so bored, I'd study :D HAHAHAHA well saying it is different from actually going through with it, I don't trust myself :D

I don't know what I'm saying. I haven't totally recovered from last week, I still seem to be tired and sleepy when I wake up. So yeah. Ok I am rambling so I should go.


xoxo bella



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