blah blah blah

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Revel In The Chaos

Although I may bitch about how tired or busy I am sometimes, deep down I enjoy the flurry of activity. Keeping busy is the best way to distract yourself.

FM test was horrific. Seriously. I have no idea how I did :S Oh and random - I LOVE SPANISH! AND DR PAOLO! :D

I'm super tired atm, sleep deprivation for two days. Plus the heat. Plus beating my brain into a pulp for the test.

I read that Bill Gates is no longer the richest man in the world. Apparently, as a result of the financial crisis he lost a whopping $1.5 billion.



His successor is this guy. Forgot his name. They called him Wizard of Omaha for some reason. Oh wait. Warren Buffett's net worth has actually gone UP by $8 billion in the last few months.


How is that possible?

OMG, this is such a dorky/boring post. lol, sorry I'm tired.

I'm thinking of starting my internet hiatus soon, because I haven't been online much these days anyway so might as well right? Haha, but let's just see how it goes. I'm planning to keep myself busy revising for stuff but this might just be one of those (rare) moments that I get a burst of productivity and motivation that usually disappears the next day.

Will let y'all know. But don't expect many updates. I'm trying to cut down on emo posts so yeah.

Ta! and for those who DON'T have lectures on Sundays, have a great weekend! :P

xoxo bella

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