You So Sexy Like Chopstick
lols! I had muchos fun with the girlies (plus Tashry) yesterday!! Was frickin' exhausted though. I had tutorial at 9 (which I almost forgot about, and hence, was late) then lecture 10 to 11.30 (it always ends half an hour earlier than it should) then I hung around FBEPS with Sheena, Grace and Nazey who got annoyed when we couldn't stop talking about food. WAH! :S
lols. Anyway the reason why I was hanging around there was because I was waiting for Rindy Windy and Miss Fairuzeta to come up bandar. Anyhoos they picked me up and we went to MOE (because Fairuz had to melapor) and then drove around (trying to find OGH HAHA we're so KBian hehe) then we went to Gadong where I couldn't stand the hunger and thus ate at Jollibee. With my friends who are fasting :S I only had a pear for breakfast, I'm so sorry!! but they didn't mind. :D
lalalala they sent me back to UBD cos I had Spanish at 3. Tzen no se siente muy bien (HARHAR the only thing I actually managed to say to Dr Paolo. so sad)
Rushed to work after that.
After work rushed to OGH.
Had dinner. At around 9, left for home. Sat in front of laptop trying to do assignment.
Went to bed around half past midnight.
Woke up at 8 for work :(
Worked till 2.30pm
Came home. blah blah blah I just realised what a boring post this is so I shall end it here :D

End of suddenly sad post.
xoxo bella
End of suddenly sad post.
xoxo bella
Labels: It's All About Me, People-ism
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