blah blah blah

Friday, November 28, 2008

For A Moment I Can Tell I've Got You

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This song struck a chord in me (no pun intended), I couldn't help but tear up...

I just found the melody so beautiful and simple, and the lyrics...

"Empty stage, with nothing but this girl
Singing this simple melody and
Wearing her heart on her sleeve.."

I don't know. I think I'm in a super emo mood... but it is a beautiful song imo. :)


Don't you wish that you could just erase bad memories in your mind? Or blunt their effect on you? I know that you learn from pain, it makes you grow.. but sometimes it's just too much. I've tried steeling myself against hurt, but it just made me feel like it's there in a box somewhere, and one day that box will fall apart and all those emotions will break me.

I kind of have this fear that I may go crazy when I'm older. I'm totally serious. Because right now I'm struggling to keep all my emotions under control and it's getting harder and harder...

This is not making me sound good, is it? PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME FRIENDS :'(

I reread that article on why the 21st century is making us so miserable. Give it a read. It's a really good one.

Sigh. I think I'm drifting away from friends. I've had an awkward text conversation earlier with someone who used to be a good friend. One MSN convo that ended abruptly because I was just plain tired of making small talk. One that wasn't much of a convo in the first place, because we had nothing to talk about. All these with people I used to confide in. I don't know what's happening.

I need a change of scenery. I need to surround myself with something unfamiliar. I need to get out. I need help. :(


Night people.

xoxo bella

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