.......... Nothing Comes To Mind
It's tiring to come up with titles too you know?
I'm not even near halfway through MAC. I'm just so tired. And maybe feeling a little defeated. I mean if I did not so great for something I actually studied for (studied quite thoroughly and in advance too I might add) what's the freaking point eh?? But nvm, I shall persevere. (I hope.) Am feeling a little sleepy now.
I don't know what is up with my body lately, but I think I've been looking very tired/sickly for the past few weeks or something. There are permanent shadows under my eyes and my lips are constantly dry and I just look pale all the time. I was thinking that I look like Morticia now.
............ Dammit she's gorgeous. No, no I don't look like her. Errrr oh yeah I was thinking of Lily Munster.
LOL! Well minus the hair. And the lipstick. And uh.... Ah well I look pale and ghostly that's the nutshell of it =____=
Also my backaches are back again. If I don't get enough rest, I'm like practically bedridden. AND! My period is late again. (Screw it, I'm talking about my menstrual cycle whether you like it or not NEHHH!!) I think if this goes on (the irregularities I mean) I'm gonna go see the doctor. A bit worried about it.
Anyway yeah, obviously I am not in the best shape... :( Gotta start gymming again.... It's just SO expensive! And I need a gym buddy!! One that is not lazy! (Like me.)
Okay ttyl guys mwahs
xoxo bella
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