Sick + 1 Bruise On The Knee
Yes as per the post title, I am sick. And I have a bruise on my knee.
Slept over at Susan's last night. Her room was apparently so effing cold, I was sneezing and shivering in my sleep. I don't remember. But I did wake up with clogged nostrils. Yeah so I'm feeling a bit feverish now. The bruise? Must've been due to one of my falling down moments. I fell down a lot last night. Anyway, last night was fun. I seriously think we should make these sleepovers a regular thing, like once a month or something. Um. Yeah whatever. Heheh, I just thought of something funny that happened last night. Susan has a chihuahua, named Chichi. And I don't think it's toilet-trained. So anyway, it was in the cage when we arrived, us girls(Susan, Mandy and me) were in the bedroom. Ryan and Wilson were outside. Ryan enters the room.
Ryan: There's dog poop on the floor.
Me: Ew.
Susan(looking slightly vexed): Who let the dog out???
We explode in laughter.
Man that moment was classic.
First week of 2nd semester was interesting. Had MIB for the first time. You know how we're supposed to wear tudongs for the classes? Yeah we did. And I was a bit over-eager that I wore it straight to IT class, which was before MIB. I thought everyone would be wearing it. When I walked in the lecture theatre, I was mortified to see every single Non-Muslim girl's bare heads. So maluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Uwa. And Ziman kept going, "Can I call you Siti?"
Anyway I don't know what else to blog about now. My arms hurt. I blame Wilson. Pick me up and throw me around some more lah!! My body aches liao. Eee. Anyway, I've been thinking of restricting my blog to my friends only. Don't really know how though. But I think if I do, readers will have to have a password to login or something. I dunno. Anyway, let's just see. Just informing you guys in advance.
K I'll cya.
Labels: C'est La Vie, It's All About Me
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