blah blah blah

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Hey people. My mind's in a pretty weird place right now. I think my moods and behaviour have been quite erratic. It's pretty annoying. I come off as weirder than usual. (Scary thought ain't it. Just when you thought I can't get any weirder)

I miss feeling like myself. There are moments of clarity when I do feel fine again. But then those moments all fade away in comparison to the long long hours of numbness that set in.

Too dramatic? Too emo? Helloooo this is ME over here *points at me, myself, the emo/drama queen*

I actually typed out a post last night but blogger wouldn't let me publish it. Which is a relief, because I typed it out when I was feeling really low, so when I reread it just now I was disgusted by how pitiful it sounded. PATHETIC is the word. OMG I just can't be left alone with my thoughts for too long. I actually made a list of things that reminded me of him. A pretty long list.

One of the things that is now ruined forever for me is minesweeper. One of my favourite games ever, ruined by an asshole. Oh for shame.

The area under my right eye keeps twitching!! (Yes Mandy it's still twitching since Sunday)

I was told by two people that it signifies impending bad luck.

Fck!! Meaning so far it's been good luck lar! OMG. Maybe I should just drive into a ditch and get it over with.

Work has been a great great great distraction for me. Haha. But I'm kinda drowning in a pile of paperwork. Just when I think I can finish my work, either a) I have to go rush to the bank, or b) someone puts a new stack of paperwork for me to sort out. Ah the working life.

Really lor, they just keep coming! Soon you'll just see this mountain of papers with my lifeless hand protruding from the pile.

It's kinda sad that I'll be leaving in about two more weeks, 'cause I've finally begun to settle in the place. Haha. Gawd, UBD seems like a distant memory.

Soon it'll be back to skipping attending lectures again.

But I can't wait to see everyone again! Miss everyone! Miss lepak-ing in Bandar! =)

I still suck at driving. =)

I hope I'll meet new people this upcoming semester. I like making new friends.

OH it is Ryan's birthday tomorrow!! Birthday boy!!!!!! I probably will be too comatose to do anything social tomorrow though... =( Never mind, I blog about you lah k. You, my fellow attention whore, would probably like that.

What can I say about Ryan Leong? Ummmmmm.....

He still has not gotten over his obsession with the payung song. Sometimes he finds the weirdest things funny. I can't remember what right now, but I know that he's made some unfunny jokes that he can laugh for minutes at but we'll just be like 0_0

He can be nice. Sometimes.

Sushi buddy!! Clubbing buddy!! Drinking buddy!!!

He is obsessed with American Idol. =/ Really weird lah, but I think he's an American at heart. (Or so he desperately wants to be)

Do not question his knowledge of movies/tv shows/music or anything remotely pop culture. Seriously, Ryan's word is LAW in those areas. (Yes I keep telling him, he needs a life, but denial is a river in Egypt. Get it? Denial = The Nile *zing*)

He is a great bitching partner. But then sometimes all his comments sound the same after a while. Usually: "he/she/they should just all die!" Venomous.

What else... what else... Argh I can't seem to think of anything else I should blog about.

Blah you just have to be satisfied with that lar bitch. =) OH OH Ryan is my bitch!!! =)

HAHAHAHAHAHA Actually not so much anymore lah. I've been nice, haven't I?

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y R Y A N!

Anyhooooo I am sleepy... bye byeeeee

Note: this post is subject to edits if Ryan is displeased with its contents. But I don't think he comes around here often, so hey maybe I can diss him and he won't ever find out. Ryan! BITCH! >=)

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