I See Lions
Heya people! Today's the last day of my CNY holiday before having to go up Bandar again and face the mountain of work (exaggerration) that I have to get done by this week. SIGH-NESS!
Anyhoooo, today I went to my Aunt's shop because there was gonna be a liondance there (I dunno why we bothered because I know I've seen it SOOOOOO many times already in the past few days.. Bleh. Oh well anyway I stupidly forgot to bring my phone so I had to use my sister's laggy plus not so clear dia punya camera phone. Plus, those lions move fast yo. Most of the pictures I snapped were a big yellow blur. Anyway, here are the lucky three that made the cut. Yes, only THREE:

Anyway I told my dad this and he went off on a tangent telling me about this elderly guy who used to be this particular troupe's joker guy (this new one was a kid I think). Apparently, the elderly guy was really good at the whole act but he passed away. And apparently they only found out that he was dead after like three days when they found his body in his house. Isn't that sad?
Ok I blog bout something happy k?
Yo Sheena, this is dedicated to you XD

One day Doraemon was walking down the street. He then bumped into Hello Kitty so he greeted her. He said "Hello, Hello Kitty!" But Hello Kitty did not answer. Why?
Because Hello Kitty has no mouth! So she couldn't reply!
(pause for possible laughter)
Anyway, so when Hello Kitty went home she got someone to record "Hello Doraemon!" on tape. So next day she was walking down the street and then she saw Doraemon. So she took out the tape recorder and played the recording. But Doraemon did not reply. Why?
Because Doraemon has no ears!!! So he couldn't hear!!!!!!!
Ok some of you might find it lame, but it's funny! I first heard the joke from Sheensies. LOL
xoxo bella
Labels: Festives/Celebrations, LOL
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