There's No Point this post :P
I'm just bored. Fell asleep earlier after dinner due to tiredness (from the heat, also did not get enough sleep the night before :P)
Got up around 11pm.
And heeeeeeerreee I am. LALALA
I'm constantly waiting to be inspired.
It is now 08/08/08 :D
BEIJING OLYMPICS OPENING CEREMONY!! (which I will not be able to watch on account of having to freaking work. WHOOPEE! T.T)
frick, why is it that whenever I'm online NO ONE SEEMS TO BE! WAH!! (maybe because it's 1.30am girl.)
hahahaha I'm boooooorrreeeeddddddddd :P
I like things done a certain way sometimes. A bit neurotic methinks. I realised this when in the shower. I always have a routine! I'll always start with my hair, then work my way down. (I'm trying not to be too descriptive here, hehe)
Hmm, hold on.
The True Neurotic
You scored 57 anxiety, 67 awkwardness, and 61 neuroticism!Congratulations, you are The True Neurotic, you nail-biting, conflict-avoiding worrier, you. You're plagued by self-doubt and anxiety, which makes social activity hard--even though you may be well-liked, you feel under a storm of silent criticism. It doesn't help that people give you funny looks for organizing all your pens by color or sharpening your gnawed pencils to a delicate point.
Your high anxiety score implies that you are unable to relax, worry about the future often, and probably are plagued by irrational fears and self-doubt.
Your high awkwardness score implies that you are socially inept, probably stick out from the crowd, and feel uncomfortable in large groups of people, such as at parties.
Your high neuroticism score implies that you exhibit neurotic behaviors--probably organization, fanatic obsessions (can you recite the entire first LOTR movie?), repetitive mantras, constant checking, or orderly rituals
Really??? I don't think I'm that bad. Though I think I am a worrier. And self-doubt, definitely!! I'm seriously worrying about how I'll do this semester!! I don't trust myself, honest!
I get anxious at the thought of being outside of my comfort zone. If it's something that I've never done before I usually get nervous and worry that somehow I'll do it wrong. Though NO I can't recite the entire first LOTR movie. I can't remember a specific line even! harharhar, but yeah, I do get obsessive :P
Oh yes I HATE CONFLICTS!!! But I've always thought that was just the Libra in me.
WAH!! :S
It is much too quiet. I shall put on something on to watch. HAHAHAHAHAHA OMG. RYAN! I'm still laughing about what you commented on Lina's photo. Frick that is some funny stuff.
To want something, that I can't have. To have something, that I don't want.
Okay, somehow between beginning this post and ending it, I managed to depress myself. :(
xoxo bella
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