blah blah blah

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Death By Moodiness

Is there such a thing as Post-Menstrual Syndrome? Because if there is, then that would explain what I've just been through.

I wondered why my PMS this month wasn't as bad as usual.

Usual PMS-ing Bella:
-major depression
-major zit outbreak
-horrible mood swings, as in =) -> =( -> =) -> =( -> =D -> >=( -> T.T

Heheh okay I kinda went overboard with the emoticons there but you catch my drift.

Anyway so when my period finally came around, it surprised me, because my usual emotional depression episodes hasn't happened yet. Which came as a relief, because honestly, all those emotions can be exhausting. I did get a really really horribly bad back cramp, which was actually why I had trouble sleeping last Saturday night (refer to previous post)

So my period usually lasts a week, so I was happily looking forward to it ending.

Tuesday I woke up feeling like I had nothing to live for. Basically my mindset was, What's the point? There is nothing for me in this world, blah blah blah. And I seriously cannot figure out what triggered this depression. At least I didn't mope around the house that day, I went up to Bandar with Tzen instead.

Checked out Supp list at UBD.... (Yay we're not on it) Had lunch. Then we couldn't figure out where to go so we went back to KB and hung out at Ryan's.

This was already in the afternoon and my depression has NOT gone away. I even cried a little when I was at Ryan's place.

Distracted ourselves by playing Dirty Scrabble. What is Dirty Scrabble? Just basically Scrabble except your words have to be of a sexual nature. Which is really much more challenging that ordinary scrabble really. Words such as rod, pole, wet and turdz came up. Yes turdz. Oh, and let's not forget arf. Hahah that was fun. I think if a sane person walked into that room, he would be extremely confused. Especially by the arf.

Oh I've digressed haven't I? Basically I was frickin depressed lah. And it still has not gone away. Actually I started to feel better this afternoon. But then I got my exam results. Then I went back to feeling crappy and worthless again.

Blah. Oh and my boyfriend usually gets the worst of my moods. Right now silent treatment again. Haha.

I miss Bandar. That 6 o'clock curfew seriously better not happen.

You know what I realised about myself? I am such a dramatic person. Why is that?

I usually make a big deal out of something that's not so life-shattering. Why lah? I really hate myself sometimes oh. Sigh. Sometimes I hear myself whining and I get annoyed at myself. Why hasn't anyone slapped me silly already? Why does anyone put up with my shit? Honestly, people. *glares*

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. omg I crack myself up.

ps: My exam results sucked la. SUCKED ASS TOTALLY and I have no one else to blame but MYSELF as I am a stupid stupid moody girl. LOL

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