Where The Fun?
My blog has really gone down the drain hasn't it? I was going through my archives and I realised that it has gone from semi-entertaining to just plain boring.
What do what do?
You know, I always end up playing the role of the peacemaker. I hate conflicts and arguments and fights and tension and discomfort and what-else-the-thesaurus-may-come-up-with. It seems like I always have this urge to calm the atmosphere and act neutral.
It sucks, because I always feel the pressure to remain on the fence and not say anything negative about either side.
They say Libras are good are looking at the whole picture. They must be right. (fyi, I'm a Libra. The scales. Having the ability to balance both sides.)
Everyone seems to be annoying me lately. I guess I'm feeling irritable, but everyone seems to really have the ability to push my buttons easily.
Stop doing things for yourself only and letting Arrogant
Get your head out of your ass and realise that you might not be better than me. And I might, and this may be hard to comprehend, but I just MIGHT know as much stuff as you do. I'm so sorry that I may seem like a phillistine once in a while, dammit.LAZY LAZY LAZY
(*^&^$%#%$# For fck's sake. I just... God, I don't know./vent
So annoyed.
On a lighter note, I've managed to squeeze three visits to the gym this week.
*dances around*
I'll try to go more frequently next week. Have to go during mornings since I'm working at night, damn it all.
I want a buddy to go during mornings 'cause I don't really wanna be alone in the classes. It would be pretty obvious if I can't keep up and stop to take a break. Which I always do. =(
OH speaking of gym, I went to Yoga the other night with Ryan. This girl just basically folded herself in half and like managed to raise her legs and bend them over so that her feet were on the floor behind her head. Okay wait lemme give you a visual.

LOL seriously that's how our faces looked like. Never seen it done so effortlessly. Then she rolled herself so that she was back on her feet.
I WANT ALSO. Can you imagine what I can do with such flexibility???
I'll let your imaginations run free with that statement. :D
xoxo bella
Labels: C'est La Vie, People-ism, Vent
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