Fools In April
It is April Fools' Day! What is April Fools' all about anyway? What's so special about April 1st?? Read here about it.
Who has had an April Fools' joke played on them? I've never really been pranked before (hahah sounds as if I'm asking for it aren't I? No I'm not!!)
I am waging a battle of the wills right now. And I'm not gonna lose this one. You think I'm gonna come chasing after you all the time? Not this time, boy. Not this time. I'm getting tired of playing this game.
ITB people taking Civil Engineering are attending this camp thing for a week starting today. 3 days in Tasek Merimbun, 3 days in ITB itself. Eh, why they have to camp in scary places kan? Well, I'm thankful I'm not them. Pity those who are going *cough*Lina*cough*cough*Ryan*cough*
Awww I'm gonna miss Ryan though. Sigh, have to find someone else to bully this week. Yes yes. Haha.
I haven't gotten started on any of my assignments. Procrastination issues again. Nayyy!!!!
Vicki just got a new phone!!!! The Sony Ericsson W880i!!! OMG it's SOOO gorgeous!!! Lovely lovely creation!!!

That is my hand holding the most beautiful thing in the world!!! The functions are really cool too. And it comes with a 1GB memory card. And seriously, it's gorgeous. I want a new phone too... =(
Ok people, don't know what to blog about now. See yaaaa
Labels: Festives/Celebrations
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