blah blah blah

Monday, December 31, 2007

Looking Back

Beginning of a new semester. MIB!

18th January.

Chinese New Year. Valentine's Day.

Valentine's at Taurean

Turbulence. Official.

Nemo. Confusion. Assignments.

Fun at Balcony

Exams. Study. Exams over. Celebrate.

Shopping at Miri

Trouble in paradise. Going crazy with boredom. Started working with Nautika.

Break-up. Work work work. UK besties are back.

@ work

Start of a new semester. Moved out of hostel.

Happy birthday me. UK besties leaving.
Birthday dinner @ Rizqun


Assignments piling up. Recovering. Spark of interest. Fitness Zone!!!

Work them muscles @ FZ, Qlap


Presentations galore. Growing obsession. Exams!!

Vicki & Girl @ Seria Open Market

Freedom. Start work at A-plus. Boredom. Fitness Zone hiatus. Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas!

Happy New Year 2008!!!

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You know I find myself overusing the phrase "LOL" nowadays, even though I'm not even laughing. Rinni and I used to make fun of Lina because she used it all the time and we kept saying it didn't convey the sincerity of the laughter. We kept pronouncing "lol" phonetically if we wanted to laugh.

So weird.

Just thinking about it bah.

It's New Years' Eve.


Anyway at least two neighbours are celebrating something, who knows what (New Years' Eve Eve) because I can hear something that sounds like dangdut and someone karaoke-ing.


Saturday, December 29, 2007

Two More Days... 2008!

A new year, with new experiences, possibilities, whatever....




But seriously, I think it's important to look back on the whole year, before we decide to move forward with our lives.

Just think, where were you this time last year? Are you the same person that you were? How have the last 12 months changed you? How? HOW??!?!?!??!


Ok ok I just felt like lightening the mood a bit. Lightening... lightning, lighting... hehehe

I'm mega weird and random, yo.

24th December:

My sister put forth this dilemma when deciding what to get for a nephew:

V: "Let's get him one of these lego sets!"

V: "So do we want the paramedic...?"

V: "... or the useless hick?"



Ok, I malas wanna blog already. Heheh. Will blog more soon.

Toodles for now!


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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!

Quick post!

Merry Christmas!!!!!!


Monday, December 24, 2007

It's A Wonderful Life

To be loved.

Scream at the top of my lungs; and not care.

Experience everything the world has to offer.

To kiss that special someone in the rain..

My special wishlist =)

Courtesy of deviantart.

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Saturday, December 22, 2007

So Very The Happy

I'm feeling so very the happy! My stomach has been normal for the past two days, I am now trying not to overindulge again so there would no repeats of the past week. =)

Anyhoo, it'll be Christmas in 4 more days. I'm a bit excited but I don't really know why because there's not much to look forward to. =S I do have a lovely blue dress to wear for Xmas Eve mass though. Oh oh it is always an unspoken tradition to dress up for mass. My sister and I always take a picture during. =P We forgot last year, and Vicki was heartbroken.

I need:
- a new hairdo. I have this urge to chop my hair off again. But no no no, it took me more than a year to get my hair to this length again. Sooo... Curl it? Grow it out? Or give in to the urge? Suggestions please =)
- new shoesies. I think I will forever need new shoes. Hehe. But seriously, my pair of flats snapped again. And also I got jealous seeing all the new shoes my cousin bought. I love you Vincci.
- new clothes. My outfits are like a broken record. I just keep wearing the same thing over and over again. Sigh.
- to meet new people. I have no social life. I need more friends. =(
- to stop stalking him. Very the sad to stalk and obsess over someone who doesn't know you exist. T.T
- to end this list. HAHAHA

OH I AM A COMIC GENIUS. Sometimes I really crack myself up. Hung out with Mandy and Tzen last night. The trailer for Alvin and the Chipmunks came on the tv. Since it was pretty much noisy, basically all we saw were 3 chipmunks jumping around causing chaos.

And Tzen said, "Gawd, can you
imagine having children like that? Crazy.."

Bella: "And that is why I promised myself that I'm never gonna marry a chipmunk.."

LOL. Yes Tzen it's so totally lame of me to wanna note down my lame jokes. But I find it so hilarious I have to share it with the world!!! =P

Watching Yuhee the Witch now and Dennis Oh is Oh-So-Delicious. I'm calling him that. Dennis Oh-So-Yummy. Hee...

What am I to do for New Year's Eve? Sigh. Tell me your plans ppl. I may wanna butt in your plans =P

Hasta luego~

ps: I miss Spanish and Dr. Paolo.


Monday, December 17, 2007

A Plea From The Tortured

Dear stomach,

I do realise that it must be so hard to function normally what with all the junk I eat. However, I feel that it is too venomous of you to retaliate in this way. I have been living on biscuits and 100plus for the past few days on account of you not letting me keep my food down. I have also been sleep-deprived on account of you demanding attention by sending sharp pain signals to my brain. I am currently at home alone because I feel too wrung out to go out, and slightly nauseous from trying to keep the little portion of chicken rice I had in my body. You won't let me eat. But you demand that I feed you. Stop acting like a silly little diva and get over it. I am envying the sight of people stuffing themselves, fearing that I may never do the same again. I hate you for doing this to me.



Wednesday, December 05, 2007

"Oh Aquaman you can't go again!"


I still love this clip. I think it's the accent that cracks me up.

Anyhooooooo, exams ALMOST over!

Yeah!! Stupid two-paper saturday!

Off to studying HRM! Imma get me an A for this one! (I hope. I need more A's to increase my average =S )
