blah blah blah

Sunday, March 25, 2007

I Love Bash

What is bash? It's a quote database website full of quotes submitted from people chatting in IRC. Some of the content in there can be gross, appalling, totally uncensored but most importantly, hilarioussss!! I'm not sure whether this violates any copyrights or whatever but I just have to paste some that I find funny.

And yes, I'll put up the funny but non-gross ones... but you're missing out on the better ones I tell you.

{Dan|Out} my cat is using the toilet methinks
{ph`} cool
{ph`} make a video
{ph`} with some close ups
{Reverend_Julian} you'll make money
{SoM} I need to take a shower
{ph`} cool
{ph`} make a video
{ph`} with some close ups
{Reverend_Julian} you'll make money

(SiNs-) $1,599.99
(SiNs-) $1,599.70
(SiNs-) Save $0.29
(SiNs-) wow
(SiNs-) if i go to bestbuy, i can buy a computer AND a peanut

HolyViper7: it could be worse :P
Ebyan: It could be better
HolyViper7: everything could be better
Ebyan: everything could be worse
HolyViper7: not oprah
HolyViper7: she cant get any worse.

{lucent} i don't download and install crap
{mr2001} that's why you don't get the girls.
{lucent} because i don't fill my computer with garbage?
{mr2001} you have to put up with crap.

{DavidGilmour} Some people are like Slinkies... generally useless, but you can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.

AngryGackt: hey
Kagato: yo
AngryGackt: did you hear about lindze's dad?
Kagato: ..nikki....
Kagato: you just like..
Kagato: scared me... so bad...
Kagato: cuz when I first read that it looked like "did you hear that Lindze's dead?"
AngryGackt: OH
Kagato: I swear my heart jumped into my throat.
AngryGackt: NO
AngryGackt: gahhhh
Kagato: I was chewing on my heart and freaking out until I reread it.
AngryGackt: jeeeeessus
Kagato: ........>_<
AngryGackt: *flails*
Kagato: what happened to her dad? ::relaxes::
AngryGackt: He's dead.
Kagato: ........

Haha, well it's something to do when you have run out of stuff to do online.

La dee dah~ Hmm I'm bored. Oh, there's always bash. =D


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Fishes 'N Chips

Harooo!! I am killing time right now. I may or may not be going hiking again later. Resolution baby, yes yes!!

Today is my mummy's birthday!! I'm not going back home today though, cleaning campaign tomorrow plus IBE test on Saturday. And I know I can't study at home. Too much distractions. I called her just now though and she was all hunky-dory with it. Love my mummy!! *hugs*

Our beloved Logic lecturer seems to be in a very weird happy mood this semester. It's very entertaining to watch. I think most of you who reads this blog were in my tutorial class just now.

Lecturer: It's fish, not fishes. You don't go to a restaurant and say you want to order "fishes 'n chips"!

And that happy pose he struck!! When he went "Yay~~"..!!

What has gotten into him??

Grace and Tzen's conversation as related by Grace:

Grace: I think it's his coffee that's making him happy and hyper..

Tzen: Are you sure it's coffee in there? I'm thinking it's alcohol...

Hahaha! Funnyyyyyyy.

I had breakfast at the canteen this morning. Breakfast at the canteen is always the same. Usually at least 2 varieties of noodles (e.g. Mee, Mee hoon, Kueyteow) and eggs or sausages, sometimes fried rice, roti kosong and curry. Yes people that is breakfast. Quite heavy eh? But it's free so what the heck.

Now, most of you know how much I love eggs. It's my ultimate favourite food. Really. So I was glad to see that they were serving fried eggs this morning. There were only 2 left, but one's enough for me. So I began taking the meehoon first, it's the usual routine right, take the main food then the side dishes and stuff. I was just about finished when this girl came up beside me and took one egg for herself. And then another one for her friend. BITCH I WAS THERE FIRST!!! BITCHH!!! Hellooooo?? She just pretended I wasn't there. CB!! I was like just staring at the empty tray, like, what the hell am I supposed to take now?? Then the cook came over and dumped a fresh batch of sausages. Thank goodness for that. I was seriously pissed. I am not a morning person okayy?? Bloody bitch ignoring my glares. Gawd. HOW DARE THAT BITCH TAKE MY EGGS?!?!? At least take one and leave one for me lah. WTF. SO BLOODY RUDE. I hate rude people!! Sheena hates rude drivers and I hate rude egg-stealers.


I haven't had eggs since... I dunno when... *gasp* Grrrrrr...

Oh and I'm going broke. Arghhh how am I gonna get my mum a gift??? So broke!! Where's my allowance???? T.T

Sighhh can I please win the lottery today?? Hahaha. Some invisible lottery. Ooh maybe a car. Yehhh I wanna win a car. Anything but a big manual car. Ok. Getting ahead of myself.

I've finished watching half of Grey's Anatomy Season 3!! Where part 2??? I wantttttt...

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I haven't been updating.. Sorry. Well it's mainly 'cause I haven't got anything interesting to update. Let's see...

2 presentations down, 3 tests down...

I watched 300!!! Oh the awesomeness that is that movie. =))

Wilson came back last thursday. =D

Wilson left today for KK. =/

I am hungry... craving for sushi now actually...

I went hiking with Tzen yesterday. Hello, I am sooo out of shape... if I ever was in shape, ever. Hahaha~ But yeah, I seriously should exercise more. Wasn't that one of my resolutions?? Oh wait, I said lose weight didn't I? Oh well, more or less the same thing. Hee.

You know how I'm very emotional?? I've been thinking, there's some bad and good to being emotional. For example, yeah I do get depressed. Very very depressed sometimes. But when I'm happy, I'm really really really really happy!! I'll be all smiley and hyper and I love being that way. So I think being me isn't all too bad sometimes. Sometimes. =P

More MIB doodles!! I find this one really funny.

Can you make it out?? It's from my notebook. That would be a UBD student's corpse swinging lifelessly from a tree, and the poor bastard who stumbles across his body.

Drawings courtesy of Bella and Tzen, two very bored people.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Happiness Is Me

Hiii-dee Hoooo~~

Life is great again. Guess why? No, really!



YAHAHAHAHA!!! Damned great heyyyyyy!!!

Hahaha, I just breezed through like a... breeze? Hahaha. Anyway, my nerves really showed, I was practically hyperventilating, but I really don't care that I made an ass of myself, because it is overrrrrrrr. I like my tutorial mates. They're so nice!! I mean, I think the men really like to kacau Tzen and I lah, but it's just harmless teasing. Funny lar. And then this guy, who's actually my favourite, gives off this father-like vibe! So cool! He actually said we were "very good". TIPU LAH. We (Tzen and I) were practically reading only ehhh. The credit really belongs to Amal, who in my opinion must be an angel in disguise. She's so awesome!! And nice!!! Unbelievably nice!!! Amal is our groupmate for our presentation. She's great!! <3 Amal!!

I finally got episode 15 and 18 of Heroes from Tzen. I really thought the Powers That Be didn't want me to watch Heroes. Why?

It began when I asked Ziman for episodes 15, 16 & 17. He gave me his pendrive. It was right before the sem break. I was happy as pie until I got home(in Lumut) and found out he gave me only 16 & 17. =(

Then my sister came back from Bandar the next day and told me she had 13-16 in a DVD. I said great!! But then she said she left it in Bandar. =((

Never mind lah, just wait for it lah, I said. So ok, I actually waited a week till the next Friday when I saw my sister again. We actually hung out sometime that week and she managed to spoil Heroes for me by slipping that someone's gonna die. =(((

When I finally got my hands on the DVD on that weekend, but I had no time to watch it till Sunday when we came back up to Bandar again. There I was, all settled. I take out the DVD case. I open it.


No DVD. It was empty.

*a long wail could be heard from Room 38 of F6*

Sigh. But I got it last night from Tzen!! And I have only just finished watching episode 15. But unfortunately I went out with Ryan for lunch just now and again Heroes was spoiled for me. Flashback.

Bella: Yay!! I got episodes 15 to 18 liao!!! So excited to watch!!

Ryan: Wow really? I thought you watched already.

Bella: No lah, but my sister managed to spoil something for me.

Ryan: What?

Bella: She accidentally told me that someone's gonna die...

Ryan: Ohhhh (He hasn't watched the episodes yet, but he knows what's gonna happen. He doesn't mind spoilers but I do!!)

Bella: You know about it?

Ryan: You mean _____ right?

Bella: *stunned silence* (because the person he named was not the same person my sister Vicki mentioned)

Ryan: What?

Bella: NOOO!!! _____ IS GONNA DIE TOO??? WHYY!?!?!?

Ryan: Oh!! You mean the other one ha??


Ryan: Whoops! Sorry!

Bella: Uwaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

Ryan: Well, at least you don't know how they're gonna go...!!

Bella: *sniff* Ok...


Anyway I'm off to watch the others. No more spoilers!!

PS: Anyone else noticed that my English has suckified?? Sigh.

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Saturday, March 10, 2007


Omg I'm so hyper right now!!! I don't know why, it's so weird!!

Hahaha! Anyway I stumbled across my other Friendster profile just now. I have two, because the first time I registered, something went wrong and I couldn't log in so I registered a second time which is my present Friendster profile.

Anyway, I stumbled across it by accident and I was just reading my profile. What I read really cracked me up. It goes:

toilet cleaner

Hobbies and Interests:
toilet bowls.... especially the porcelain ones...

Hahaha!!!! So damned funny. I seriously don't know what I was thinking at that time. Haha!! I crack myself up man!!

Aaaahhh why am I so hyper?????? Noooooooo~ I can feel myself annoying people with my hyperness. I wanna go clubbing. Haha that was random wasn't it? But I do. Sigh, why can't clubs be legal in Brunei? I wanna dance!~ I feel like dancing~ dancing~

That's not how the song goes, I know. But what the hell. Hyperrrrrrrr!!!!

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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Reasons Why I Want To Kill Myself Right Now

I can't sleep. I really really want to sleep, but I can't.

I'm feeling stressed out. My MIB groupmate texted me asking me to interview MIB teachers. Sounds simple, but I still feel stressed out. Anything to do with MIB gives me extreme anxiety, because I can't speak bloody Malay. Oh and I have to record the interview on video. And what do I ask them? I know that I could just ask her, but the thing is, she's already done the rest of the work. YES SHE DID. And I don't wanna feel even more incompetent and useless than I already am by bothering her about all this. I don't even know what my exact topic is. Something to do with MIB and education and morals and students. Sigh. Why am I such a bad student? Why can't I be a perfect 'A' grade student? Why can I NOT feel useless for once? I really should tell Tzen about this but she's stressed out like I am, and I think she might appreciate the oblivion that she's in now a little longer. Plus, she has another presentation to work on. I do, too. And therefore I am stressed out even more. I get rashes when I am stressed. I'll tell her tomorrow.

I'm suffering from Wilson withdrawals. Yup, it's the name that I've given this stupid mood-swings, depression, pissyness thingy that I have. I can't stop missing him. It's all his fault. He practically forced himself into my life, and I guess I've gotten too attached to him too fast. I just miss him a lot. I miss talking to him. I miss him teasing me. I miss laughing at all the stupid things he said. God, I just miss him so much. I feel so cut off from him. Dammit.

So I tried to forget about it and go to sleep. But you know how, when you try to sleep, your mind starts to wander?? Yeah. My mind does that a lot. It's the main reason why I can't sleep. So I start thinking about MIB.

'Oh God, I hate MIB. When do I get this done? Tzen's busy with her other presentation tomorrow, and I have to wait for her to do the damned thing. Saturday? I'm scared it'll be too late. Our presentation's on Tuesday... And oh God, I have to do the IICT presentation for Monday... I haven't gotten started yet... And so many tests... Oh God.... No, stop thinking about school stuff, let me sleep first and worry tomorrow..."

I stop thinking about school.

'I'm so sleepy... I should sleep... I wonder whether Wilson's asleep. Where has he been the whole day? I haven't heard a peep from him. I miss him. Dammit, doesn't he miss me too? Asshole. You make me like you, then up and leave on me... No, No stop thinking about him. I need to distract myself!! Let me think about something else..."

......... I start thinking again.......

'Oh God... MIB...'


I can't sleep! I need sleep!! I just need to escape from reality for a little while... I wish I had sleeping pills...

My insomnia is making me depressed and I just want to kill myself. Then I won't have to worry so much anymore...

Why do I have to be such a worrywart???? Sigh.. I'm so depressed... and sleepy....

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

It's Just Emotions

I think I have erratic behaviour. I think it's mostly due to my severe mood swings. I really hate that my mood is affected so easily by the littlest things.

Right now I'm feeling frustrated, slightly depressed, but mostly pissy.

Moods are very strange phenomenons. Don't you find it strange how one can feel so many things as once? They say emotions are all chemicals in the brain. But I really can't reconcile chemicals and emotions with each other. Like, I don't feel it in my brain. I feel it in my chest, when my heart beats fast in excitement. I feel it in my stomach when I get butterflies due to nerves. I feel it in my whole body when I feel so happy that I feel like I'm floating...

The closest thing to connecting my emotions to my head is when I get headaches from stress, or from crying too much. =P

Sometimes you just can't help but be awed by human life. How is it that we are pieced together so intricately that each part of our anatomy works to form a person?

It's just... so confusing...

Sigh. I really don't know where I'm going with all this. I really do have a tendency to think too much.

Vis your latest post is just hunger-inducing. I now feel hungry all the time. I so wanna go Misato now. Tomorrow night maybe, yes yes. I think I'll get the Garlic Fried Rice, Shake Miso Ni, Unagi Sushi, Idako and Caramel Ice-cream. OMG I AM SO HUNGRY NOW!!!! Damn you Vis. T.T

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I've always felt that the first stages of a relationship are always awkward. I mean, the fun parts are all in the beginning I feel. It's the flirting, the attraction, the uncertainty of not knowing that's quite thrilling...

So what happens when it's mutual? Like there's always that

(watching ANTM Cycle 7 and Megan just got eliminated!! NO! I liked her!! Why not Monique?!)

Anyway, back to what I was saying. There's that, "Ok I like you, you like me, what happens now?" situation you find yourselves in. I mean, how exactly do you confirm/make it official/announce that you are a couple/together?

I mean, is it really necessary for the guy to ask, "Will you be my girlfriend?" because I find that all a bit weird and awkward. But then there's really no other way to start it, right?

Is there?

Anyway, I'm not sure, but I think, I think, that I've just acquired a boyfriend in the last hour. I guess he doesn't like the idea of popping that weird question either. But the word "dating" and "relationship" was mentioned, so I guess that it kinda means... what I'm pretty sure it means...???

Great I just made myself unsure of everything again. But whatever. I'll just ask again tomorrow. Lol. It'll be the second time I ask where we stand now. Hahaha. Poor guy.

He doesn't read this blog though!! Kinda malas wanna tell him that I'm a blogger. Hahaha.

Anyway I miss you Wilson!! Even with all your stupid cracks about your other girlfriends in Perth. You know I'm the only one who will have you so don't try to fool me bitch. =)

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Monday, March 05, 2007

No Purpose

I seriously have nothing to blog about. Boredommmmmm...

I'm right now worried about MIB presentation next week. Haven't gotten started on it yet.

I'm having weirdness issues. I'm having weird mood swings. Right now chatting to Wilson and swinging between happy and annoyed.

Ok ok I'll try to blog about something interesting. Err... I like fireworks!!! They're so pretty. The one at Chung Hua last Saturday actually brought tears to my eyes. Hahahaha~ And the lack of eye-candy is so sad. But I did see G***. He was standing right behind us. Sheena: The one that Chong and I think is sizzling hot!!! So hot!!!! Rawr.

I just got disconnected for the third time!! So annoyingggggg!!!!

Nooo I have writer's block!! Nothing to write about!!!! I shall go layan Wilson's nonsensical questions now.


Friday, March 02, 2007


OMG it has been an emotional rollercoaster since last night. But it's all good now.

I shall publish my public apology now to Wilson: I am SORRYYYYYYYYYYYY!! Heheh. Stop making me feel guilty wah.

Aiyer there's a bunch of foreigners behind me right now speaking in a garbled language. Where are they from? Aiyer. Very noisy wor.

At Sg. Liang with Sheena right now. She drove all the way here for me!! Thank you babe!!

Anyway think I'm gonna leave soon. Wilson's leaving for Perth like soon. And yet he still bothers me with his texts. Aiyerrrrrr

To Mandy & Ryan: Thanks for everything last night!! Especially to Mandy, who I so totally love!! <33

